Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

       On August 29 my mother completed -- revolutions around the sun! I also have to add that my mother shares her birthday with her twin uncle Greg! Happy 40th Birthday uncle Greg! Mother has always showed herself to be a virtuous woman who fears and honors God! 
Proverbs 31:30
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. 
I feel blessed by the Lord that he has given me a mother that fears the Lord and is Beautiful! I pray that the Lord will give me a heart like my mothers. I also pray that he will give me such a strong desire to please God and honor him just like my mommy! I am truly grateful that he has already given me 15 years in the loving company of such a great example! 
Love You Mommy! May the Lord bless you with more years of being a great example to other believers.  
P.S. I hope that I can show you all some more pics soon! Some how the scan photos aren't uploading.


  1. Well, I had some wonderfully joyful thoughts as I read this post!!! Mrs. Guerra, your children rise up and call you blessed. May you continue to fight the good fight for the glory of God. Deo Confide!!!

  2. Birthdays are awlways specail. But our mothers is extra special. Happy birthday to your mothr a little late. Better late then never.
