The Bible, without it where would I be? { JBG question} Q : What is the Bible? A: The Bible is the inspired word of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness The Bible is not made up of stories but of accounts. It is true every word. So many issues can prove it. Creation is the one them. Archeology is another. The Bible is Infallible !!!! Through out history men have tried there hardest to have this Book wiped out of the hands of people and off the very records that it even existed. Through trial and persecution this book has remained indestructible!
Ten Ps in a Pod is a fun family read-out-loud book. Take a ride with this family of ten. This book helped me to learn the value of reading and memorizing my Bible.

I have all of the Elsie Dinsmore Series that vision forum has to offer. Well does that show you how much I like these Books. Elsie is a great example to all girls young and old. The Elsie books were my good friends. I carried them everywhere until I ran out of books to read ,but her sweet character still brings a smile to me.

The Family by J.R. Miller has showed me my part in my family. with Biblical and Christian advice. J.R. Miller explains our part in our family through true stories and illustrations. A Simply Helpful book for all ages.

The epidemic has already hit our land. Most children that our sitting in the church pews are already gone. This book shows us the statistic, and friends they do not look good. What is the solution, or is there a solution to this problem you might want to read it yourself.

The Betrayal is a fun fictional book about the life of Monsieur John Calvin. What else can I say absolutely fantastic.

I just finished this book and I was encouraged and inspired by the lives of so many women. This book compiles stories of courageous women from the past. It left a profound influence on me and I am sure it will do the same to you.