Saturday, December 17, 2011

When Another Fathers Joy was Born!

On December the 12th 2004 my baby sister, another little fathers joy was born! She is now seven years old. Oh how time flies. I can still remember that precious first time I held her in my arms.  I was eight years old, and the thought of taking on the responsibility of taking care of my baby sister was just fabulous! Well I can go on and on with all the wonderful memories! Since pictures are worth a thousand words you are just going to have to be content with the following.

Happy Birthday Jochebed!

Your Big Sis Abby,

Friday, September 9, 2011

Modest Skirt Giveaway!

HURRY ENDS September 16th !!!!

In a world were modest skirts are scarce New Creation has provided a wide variety of beautiful skirts for all women to enjoy! I don't know about you, but I always have a hard time finding modest denim skirts that fit me. Well if you run into the same probable, never fear New Creation apparel also has a wide variety of sizes. So Hurry and Enter to win a New Creation modest Skirt! Here is the the link. In A Shoe

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                                 C   New Creation
                                                                                         Women's  Apparel

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

       On August 29 my mother completed -- revolutions around the sun! I also have to add that my mother shares her birthday with her twin uncle Greg! Happy 40th Birthday uncle Greg! Mother has always showed herself to be a virtuous woman who fears and honors God! 
Proverbs 31:30
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. 
I feel blessed by the Lord that he has given me a mother that fears the Lord and is Beautiful! I pray that the Lord will give me a heart like my mothers. I also pray that he will give me such a strong desire to please God and honor him just like my mommy! I am truly grateful that he has already given me 15 years in the loving company of such a great example! 
Love You Mommy! May the Lord bless you with more years of being a great example to other believers.  
P.S. I hope that I can show you all some more pics soon! Some how the scan photos aren't uploading.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Word of the Day 1; Matthew 11:28

Word of the Day 1

I went over to the chicken coops to give our chickens some leftover fruit. When I passed the chicken coops one by one I noticed that in the last coop there was a cardinal. This cardinal was apparently female judging by the soft brown feathers. As I saw its mouth open in a thirsty, tired, and hot manner I immediately felt sorry for this poor creature. I thrust the chicken coop door open and stood on the opposite side of the cage (where I discovered the bird) in order to scare it threw the open door. This cardinal obviously did not get the idea. Instead of flying out the door (which I thought he was sure to do) he flew around on the opposite sides of the cage hitting everything in its way. It was pretty sad to see her flying around and slowly losing her strength. It made me think about us. How quickly we are to turn away from the open door God has providentially opened for us. We are hungry and thirsty for something more than what the world has to offer. Sometimes we are even blinded by the indulgences of the world and cannot see that we are hungry and thirsty, consequently we don't see that open door. I could only provide freedom from the cage to this bird,but God can provide much more for his children.

Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Canon Field Photography

A few weeks ago,our family went to the Bluebonnet Festival. My brother had his second chance to get on an airplane. Christopher also had the opportunity to participate in the flower bombing contest (to his great delight) ! I had so much fun photographing this event with a very dear friend of mine! Vintage airplanes are so fun to shoot! Well without further ado, here are some
of my favorite shots of the day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jochebed and The Rope

Here is a video that I put together of my sister learning how to climb down the rope. I think my brother is responsible for Jochebeds unusual willingness to want to do such a stunt. Assumptions are normally never good, but I have seen my brother in action before. My sister is growing up so fast. Just last week she started learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. I am so excited for her! Love you little sister<3>

Thanks little brother for your help,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It Has Been So Long

Wow, I remember last time I was supposed to show you the pictures of the Bride and Groom. I was just reminded of that. SORRY How long has it been? Since October! Oh Dear! Oh My! What Have I done? Okay I need to stop talking and get down to business. Here Is the Picture.

This is the couple after they thought the ring boy drop the rings in the grass.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Amazing Grace

Take a look at a very cute two year old sing Amazing Grace.